One of the things I’ve struggled and still struggling with is accepting the fact that bugs are inevitable. Whenever a bug gets reported on the code that I have spent hours writing I get crashed. I take it personally because that bug pops my ideal pink world bubble. So, let’s start by laying out the facts. No software is “bug-free”. There will always be bugs. But there is something you can do to almost annihilate them. Test test test.

Let me start by giving you a bit of a background information about myself. I am born and bread in Greece and this is where I’ve done and still doing all of my academic studies. I studied Information and Telecommunication Engineering in the University of Western Macedonia (a 5 year course degree) and this is where I chose to do my PhD. I also work fulltime as a mobile team lead in a software company, so as you can tell I have pretty limited time to dedicate to my PhD studies if you include the time I spent taking care of myself and maintaining a barely existent social life. There are a few things I learned over the 3 years of doing my PhD that I wish I knew in the beginning.

Hi! My name is Vivian and I am a software developer and PhD candidate! Welcome to my blog!

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